Alliance RetinaIt's Simple-All Patients, All Problems, All the Time

Insurance Information

To the best of our ability, we take all insurances. We also take care of patients with no insurance. We make no distinction. We will do our best to help you out within the context of applicable laws and regulations. Talk to us. We’ll figure it out.

Dr. Rosenthal also performs a large amount of surgery and medical care in the third world. This is extremely expensive and is only possible through the generosity of the medical supply companies and other contributors. Even then, there is a significant cost. If we are helping you out here, and you can help us out there, we would appreciate it very much. Please visit our foundation website. The Jairus Foundation has a mission of giving people a second chance. Visit the site at to learn more. If you can help, thank you very much.
The following is a partial list of insurance carriers with which we are currently contracted. Please note that Medicare is administrated by CGS Administrators. We also accept all patients on CareNet and Prevent Blindness Ohio programs. If your carrier is not on this list, please call us and we will do our best to make appropriate arrangements for your care.
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